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COVID 19 Plan - September 2020:


The parents/staff (stakeholders) were sent a survey to determine their preferences in terms of the 2020-2021 school year. An overwhelming majority opted for blended learning with most of the instruction being provided person to person in school.  This is not a surprise as our population is all Special education and these children need multi-sensory instruction to learn. We will therefore provide two choices for the 2020-2021 school year.  A virtual learning format which will be similar to that which we provided from March 2020- thru June 2020 and an in school blended learning format with four days of in school instruction and one day of virtual instruction allowing for a deep cleaning of the school premises weekly. i.e. Monday- Thursday in school and Friday virtual learning.


  1. Social Distancing and Face Coverings:

All school personal and students will always maintain social distancing within the building and wear face coverings (except when eating).  Signage to support social distancing has been added through-out the school, classrooms etc. Students will remain within their cohort of students (their classmates) through-out the day and will be assigned to a single bathroom to reduce inter-student contact. Hallways have been marked for one-way traffic to further reduce face to face contact.


Plexiglass dividers have been installed in areas where 6 feet distance will impede instruction.  Mask usage will still be required.


  2. Screening:


Students, staff will wait in a socially distanced line to enter the school in the AM.  This will be monitored by school staff.


Entrance will be staggered to reduce waiting time, but not students or school personal will be allowed to enter the building unless:


  • They are wearing a mask (extra disposable masks will be available for students and staff).

  • Their temperature has been taken and recorded

  • No visitors or parents will be allowed in the building unless it is an emergency or work for   NYCDOE and are here on official business. Masks and temperature taking will still be required.

  • We will ask parents to take their child’s temperature before putting them on a school bus- and not sent them to school if they register a temperature * (assuming we have busing in September as this is provided by the NYCDOE)


 3. Hygiene- Cleaning and Disinfecting:


Sanitizing stations will be maintained at both entrances to the school although one entrance is emergency only.


Student will be instructed in the proper way to wash hands. Bathrooms and classroom sinks will be fully stocked with soap and paper towels.


All classroom flat surfaces, technology door jams and light switches will be wiped down before school, after lunch and at the end of each day.A log will be maintained. Bathrooms and hallway handrails will be cleaned and logged on a similar schedule. Professional cleaning staff will clean and disinfect the school nightly with deeper cleaning weekly.


 4. Containment:


An isolation room will be maintained for any student reporting that they don’t feel well during the school day. Parents will be required to come pick them up as a child who has stated they are not feeling well will not be placed back on a school bus. Students or facility will not be allowed to return to school after an illness without a doctor’s note clearing them to return.


 5. A Positive COVID test within the school community will result in:


  • Report to NYCDOH and NYSDOH

  • Immediate closure of the school for mandated 2 week and return to remote learning for that period of time.

  • Deep cleaning

  • Parents have been required to sign a document stating that they will cooperate with contact tracing.


 6. All parents will be given the opportunity to have their students attend school in person- or virtually and can move from in -person to virtual as their circumstances may change.


 7. Ventilation:


All filters for the individual split system HVAC in each class have been replaced prior to the start of school and windows will be open during class to improve the exchange of air. When possible, classes may be held outside. Gym will be held outside as much as possible.


 8. Mental Health, Behavioral and Emotional Support Services


  • During the period of virtual learning (spring 2020) we expanded our social-emotional health program to include weekly check-ins with all families.We will continue this practice for all of our school community.

  • We will continue to provide virtual homework support for both virtual and in-school students daily.

  • Counseling referral support services are often made available for on-going family issues.

  • Counseling will be provided for those students who have this identified on their IEP and for those we know are struggling due to COVID with anxiety or family issues.

  • Food services will provide breakfast and lunch for those students who are eligible for Federal Free lunch.


 9. Communication: 

The school community receives regular updates via e-mail and the school web site.


 10. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

All student/staff will be provided masks as needed.

All student/staff supplies will be individually provided and used by that student alone except for technology which will be cleaned after each use.

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